Chinese ministry uploads Mini Aceman pictures and info

Next up for photo day at the China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Mini Aceman. The Aceman can be seen as a replacement for the Mini Clubman, the four-door version of the two-door Cooper (or five-door depending on your nationality) sized below the Countryman that Mini killed after its third generation. The Chinese data declares the Aceman either 160.5 or 161.2 inches long depending on base or S trim, 69.1 inches wide and 59.6 inches high on a 102.6-inch wheelbase. The Clubman of yore was 168.5 inches long, 70.9 inches wide, and 56.7 inches high on a 105.1-inch wheelbase. Before a debut that we’ve been told isn’t far off, we’ll guess much of the difference between the two length has been cut from the hood and cargo areas, not the passenger compartment. 

In China, the four-door will only be offered with electric powertrains, sidestepping Mini’s “Power of Choice” mantra applied to other models with their hybrid and diesel options. The Aceman for other international markets will be produced in the UK; it’s not clear yet if they’ll be restricted to EV power as well. This means a base version (the darker car in the gallery above) powered by a 40.7-kilowatt-hour battery turning a motor on the front axle making 181 horsepower and 213 pound-feet of torque, or a 54.2-kWh pack turning a motor with 214 hp and 243 lb-ft in Aceman S guise. These are the same outputs we’ll get in the U.S.-spec Cooper E and Cooper SE. Put through China’s CLTC fuel economy test, the base Aceman is estimated to go 300 kilometers (186 miles) on a charge, the more powerful Aceman S about 400 km (249 miles).

As for the looks, they’re the chunkiest we’ve seen on the new, modern range of Minis. The photo cars also suggest the merest hint of clunky, too, but we’re going to put that down to the drab paint schemes and lighting. The form should perk up dressed in Mini standards like Blazing Blue, Legend Grey, Melting Silver III, Nanuq White and Smokey Green under a color-contrasted roof and the numerous chances to brighten up various bits inside and outside the car. Different to other Mini models, headlights and size aren’t the only tells, the Aceman fitting some unmissable, squared-off wheel arch cladding. Beyond that, the polygonal DRL shape surrounding round projectors gives the Aceman more anthropomorphic character than its siblings. The S is distinguished by yellow trim and a yellow “S” placed around the body, plus LED headlights and a silver skid plate up front. Certain markets will enjoy a range of of seven wheels sized from 17 to 19 inches.

The debut’s anticipated to take place at the Beijing Motor Show toward the end of April. Our version is thought to be on the market for the 2025 model year.

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