Centre selects Jharkhand to scale up mustard output

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After piloting a mustard project in seven districts for last seven years in Jharkhand, the Centre will scale up it to cover entire state with target oriented delivery to increase both area from current four lakh hectare (lh) and yield from eight quintal per hectare to help achieve the larger objective of self sufficiency in … Read more

SKM rejects 5-yr MSP guarantee proposal, asks Govt to divert edible oil import costs to India’s farmers

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A day after the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) announced its decision, the joint committee of the SKM (non-political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee of Punjab, who are leading the current farmer stir, too have rejected the Centre’s proposal of a five-year guaranteed procurement of five crops at MSPs and decided to continue their march … Read more