Indian Railways has seen an 8 per cent increase in revenue y-o-y on March 15, to ₹2,40,000 crore. Against this, the expenditure was ₹226,000 crore. Revenue on March 15, 2023 was ₹2,23,000 crore.
Passengers travelled during the fiscal was 648 crores, up by 52 crore or 9 per cent up y-o-y. Passengers travelled last year was 596 crore.
- Also read: Production of forged wheels for Vande Bharat will commence in 16-18 months: Ashwini Vaishnaw
“So far this fiscal, Indian Railways has laid 5100 Kms of new track,” the statement said adding that average daily track works out to be more than 14 km per day.
Indian Railways has crossed an originating freight loading of 1500 MT on Friday. So far, the best freight loading by the Railways has been 1512 MT in 2022-23.
As per a statement, the Railways is on track to achieve best ever numbers for freight loading, revenue and track laying by the end of this fiscal.