In a bid to boost domestic production of pulses, Union Piyush Goyal on Thursday said that the farmers are being encouraged to diversify into pulses from traditional crops through an assured purchase contract of five years. This initative is being implemented through Nafed and NCCF. He also said that Bharat dal has seen good traction in the market and the Bharat-branded chana dal has captured 25 per cent market share within a short period of four years.
Speaking at the Global Pulses Convention, Pulses 24, organised by Global Pulse Confederation along with Nafed, Goyal said, “Nafed and NCCF are encouraging our farmers to diversify out from other crops to pulses and are happy and willing to purchase pulses and lentils from them. This is being done by giving the assured contract for five years so that they increase production of pulses and lentils. They are also given an assurance that they will be getting an attractive price. I do believe this is a massive step of the Narendra Modi government to support and encourage the production and consumption of pulses and lentils in India.”
High MSP
He added that the government supports farmers through procurement of pulses at Minimum Support Price (MSP), which is determined by an independent body CACP. “The MSP in India today is assured at a price which is 50 per cent over the actual cost of production thereby giving our farmers reasonable and attractive rate of returns for their farming activities. MSP is the highest today compared to the past with increases as high as 117 per cent in masur lentil, as high as 90 per cent in moong, 75 per cent higher in chana dal and 60 per cent more in tur and urad over what prevailed 10 years ago,” he added.
Over the last ten years, pulses production has increased by nearly 60 per cent to 27 million tonnes. The government has recently launched Bharat branded wheat flour, rice and daal.
“In a matter of a very short span of time of four months, the Bharat dal has captured 25 per cent of India’s market for chana dal. In most of the e-commerce sites where it is available, its ranking is far more superior than others. It clearly demonstrates that our farmers produce high quality pulses and those pulses when available at affordable prices with the support of government for the common man truly becomes the food of the common man, “ Goyal added.
He added that procurement of pulses has increased by 18 times in the past ten years. In 2015, with the introduction of buffer stock it was ensured that the government will have stocks available to moderate prices and price stability for consumers. “These efforts helped ensure India were able to rein in food inflation when the developed world faced significant challenges of inflation. Our inflation was amongst the lowest in the world,” Goyal stated.